
Showing posts from February, 2011

Legalise prostitution & abortion will treat the root?

No doubt decision of some country in legalised prostitution and abortion had result in positive impact of the population health. Incidence of HIV infection, STD, maternity mortality, unsafe abortion decreased successfully. Hence, someone pronounce it as Public Health success. Yet, I choose to define health in a holistic way, an appropriate Public Health view. WHO says that health is well-being of physical, mental and society, Hippocrates even mentioned that health include the optimum state of spiritual. By legalised these ethical debating issue, it merely cope with the tip of the physical health problem ice berg, not the root, and not to even mention the ice berg of mental, society and spiritual. In apparent, they won the war, but it's a total defeat I would say. Things would be different if they intervene much earlier, and maybe they do not have to give in. We need to keep to evaluating the circumstance by predicting the possible negative outcome and be quick enough to deal w...

Surrogates Transaction - A Horrible Commidity

Learn this from today's paper, India is the world most well known surrogates transaction site, with it's lower cost, abundant surrogates mother and less stringent legal guidelines. I hardly imagine the number of women that had been exploited and the quality of their life. Surrogate transaction is legalised by India government a decade ago, and it is so prominent that, couples from all around the world will come here for that. Some are infertile partners, some due to wives refusal on pregnancy and some are homosexual partner. Destitute women in India turn to the offer of being a surrogates mother for monetary purpose, and it exposes them to risky pregnancy if they are above 35 and have a high parity of more than 6, which neither they are the practitioner will cautiously look into. The law and regulation is certainly not rigid enough to protect them. Neither to protect the surrogates children from being misuse of terrorism, prostitution and other unethical procedures. T...


今天与朋友聊了一个我不再熟悉的话题,发现爱情在许多人眼中不再是我想象那样了。 但当世界越来越现实、人被逼得越来越非踏实不可时, 我仍相信有人是真心愿意付出的,不是为了得到,而是为了让对方幸福。 至少我会锻炼自己向着这方向前进。 毕竟,爱是一辈子的东西,无法顺其自然,务必要不断努力耕耘。 当彼此在上帝的爱里得满足时,就能无私舍己的爱一辈子。 我仍相信真心就在转角处 :>

Challenging Time, Refreshing Time

Truly a challenging month. It makes me feel breathless by just looking at the schedule. Already confused with numerous existing deadlines, the newly added make me stunned. Perhaps I was astonished, such a tough trial for me which seemingly beyond possibility, ability and capacity of mine, yet all by His grace, truly my honour. Well, this is just the beginning, more to come when we grow stronger and each aim to make us grow even stronger. The moment of great challenge is indeed the time of refreshing, we can't press on without being refresh by the Lord. For God will always gives us the strength and joy to sing the song of Spring in the time of Winter.